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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Stem (bilingual edition)

Stem generally grows upward, above the soil and toward the sunlight. It grows in the opposite direction from the earth gravitatition. Stem has two types of vascular tissues, xylem and phloem.
  • Xylem is responsible to transport water from root to the leaves.
  • Phloem is responsible to transport food, which are made in leaves, trhoughout the plant.

Batang umumnya tumbuh di atas tanah dn tumbuh menuju cahaya matahari tetapi berlawanan dengan gaya tarik bumi. Di batang terdapat dua macam pembuluh yaitu xilem dan floem.
  • Xilem, berfungsi mengangkut air dari akar menuju daun.
  • Floem berfungsi mengangkut makanan yang dibuat di daun ke seluruh bagian tumbuhan.
source: Science for elementary school year IV. PT Yudistira.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Types of Root

Root divided into two types, namely fibrous root and taproot.
  • Fibrous root consists of many small roots that grow from the end of the stem. Those roots have similiar size and length. Fibrous root can be found in monocotyledonous plant, such as rice, corn, sugar cane, and coconut.
  • Tap root is a main root that grows straight downward and is derivd from stem. The other roots are the branches of the tap root. Such root can be found in dicotyledonous plant, for example mango and apple rose.

Akar dibedakan menjadi dua jenis, yaitu akar serabut dan akar tunggang.
  • Akar serabut berupa akar yang berukuran kecil dan tumbuh di pangkal batang. Ukuran semua akar hampir sama besar dan sama panjang. Akar serabut dimiliki oleh tumbuhan monokotil, contohnya padi, jagung dan kelapa.
  • Akar tunggang berupa akar utama yangtumbuh lurus ke bawah dan merupakan kelanjutan dari batang. Akar-akar yang lain merupakan cabang dari akar tunggang. Akar tunggang dimiliki oleh tumbuhan dikotil, contohnya mangga dan jambu.
Source: Science Focus Elementary school year IV. 2009. Bogor. Penerbit Yudistira

    Sunday, November 20, 2011

    Function of Root

    Root has several primary function, they are as follows.
    • Provide support for the plant. Supporting the plant to stand upright and prevent it from falling down because of the wind.
    • Absorb water and nutrients.
    • Stored food

      Akar memiliki beberapa fungsi utama, yaitu sebagai berikut.
      • menopang tumbuhan. menopang tumbuhan agar dapat berdiri tegak di atas tanah dan tidak roboh jika tertiup angin.
      • menyerap air dan zat hara.
      • Menyimpan cadangan makanan.
      Source: Sience Focus for elementery schhol year IV. 2009. Bogor: Yudistira.


      Root is part of plant that grows in the direction of earth gravitation. Root is usually the lowest part of a plant and lies below the surface of the soil. Root consists of root hairs and root cap.
      • Root hair functions in absorbsing water and nutrients from the soil.
      • Root cap function to protect the root while penetrating the soil.
      Akar adalah bagian tumbuhan yang arah tumbuhnya searah dengan gaya tarik bumi. Akar umumnya merupakan bagian tumbuhan yang paling bawah dan berada di dalam tanah. Akar terdiri dari rambut akar dan tudung akar.
      • Rambut akar, berfungsi menyerap air dan zat hara dari dalam tanah.
      • Tudung akar, berfungsi melindungi akar saat menembus tanah.
      Source: Science focus for elementary school. 2009. Bogor : Yudhistira

      Friday, October 28, 2011

      Did you know?

      There are many human devices that are designed to imitate skeletal system, for exampel helicopter. Helicopter imitates dragonfly. Dragonfly's wings can move up and down.
      Science Focus. 2009. Science for elementary school year IV. Bogor: Yudhistira.

      Resumed by: Danar Kusuma

      Wednesday, October 12, 2011


      Lungs is located inside the chest cavity (thorax). Inside the lungs, bronchioles branch into smaller and smooter branches. These smooth branches form a sac at its end called alveolus. Inside the alveolus occurs oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange.
      (Source: Science Focus.2009. Science for elementary school Va.Bogor: Yudhistira) .

      Disorder on Respiratory Organ

      Respiratory organs cannot function well due to illness. Here are some of respiratory illness.
      1. Influenza or cold is caused by virus. The symptoms are fever, headache, nasal congestion, and sometimes sore throat. The patient of influenza should rest well and eat nutritious food.
      2. Asthma. Asthma is caused by bronchioles contriction. They have difficulty in breathing. Asthma is caused by substances, wich trigger alelergic, such as dust. It is difficult to be totally cured, but it can be controlled to decrease the symptoms. Medicine for asthma sufferer is meant to expand the respiratory tract muscles.(Source: Science Focus.2009. Science for elementary school Va.Bogor: Yudhistira)

      Friday, September 30, 2011

      Human Respiration

      Take a deep breath and exhale slowly. The activity to inhale and exhale is called breathing.
      While breating, we inhale the oxygen. Inside the body, the oxygen is used to burn nutrient to produce energy. The wastes (carbon dioxide and water vapor) are released out from the body.

      Special Characteristics of animals

      Special Characteristics of bats

      What do you know about bats? They usually live caves or dark places. Bats are not birds, they are flying mammals. Bats are nocturnal animals, because they search food during the night and sleep during the day.
      Bats have special characteristics that other animals do not have. The most interesting one is its echolocation system.
      What is ecolocation system?
      Echolocation is a system that uses shound reflection (echo) to locate object. The object can be food, trees, or even wall cave. Thus, bats can recognize their food or where they are going in the dark of night.

      Science focus. 2009. Science for elemetary school year VI. Bogor: PT Yudhistira.
      resumed by danar

      Wednesday, September 21, 2011


      Take a look at yourself in the mirror. You will see that you can stand upright. Do you know why?

      Human can stand upright because there is skeleton inside his body. Human skeleton is located inside the body and covered with muscle (flesh) and skin, therefore it called internal skeleton (endoskeleton). Muscle covering the skeleton move the bones so that we can move.
      Some animals have skeleton on the outside of their body, it is called external skeleton (exoskeleton); the examples are crab, grasshopper, and shrimp. However, in this chapter, we will only learn about human skeleton.
      Human skeleton is devided into three parts, namely skull, body skeleton, and axtremities skeleton.

      Science focus. 2009. Science for elemetary school year IV. Bogor: PT Yudhistira.
      resumed by danar

      Sunday, September 11, 2011

      First Grade

      By Mr.Danar Kusuma

      1.Greeting (Salam pertemuan):
      a.Good morning artinya selamat pagi.
      b.Good afternoon artinya selamat siang.
      c.Good evening artinya selamat sore.
      d.Good night artinya selamat malam.
      e.Hi artinya hai..
      f.Hello artinya halo.
      g.How are you? artinya Bagaimana kabarmu?
      h.How do you do? artinya Apa kabar?

      Example (Contoh) :
      I meet Rina in the afternoon. I say good afternoon to her.

      Vocabulary (kosa kata) = I (saya); meet (bertemu); in (di) ; afternoon (siang hari).
      = I (saya); say (berkata); good afternoon (selamat siang); to (kepada) her (dia).
      Jika ada yang bertanya : How are you? (Bagaimana kabarmu?)
      Maka kita menjawab : I am fine. (saya baik-baik saja)

      2.Parting (Salam Perpisahan):
      a.Good bye artinya selamat tinggal
      b.Bye-bye artinya selamat tinggal
      c.See you artinya sampai jumpa
      d.See you later artinya sampai jumpa besok.
      e.Good night artinya selamat tidur.

      Contoh :
      Agung wants to go home. He says good bye to Rina.
      Vocabulary (kosa kata) = wants (ingin); go; (pergi); home (rumah).

      3.Personal Identity (identitas diri)
      a.Personal identity
      My name is… (Nama saya adalah….)
      I am from…. (Saya berasal dari…...)
      I live in….. (Saya tinggal di……..)
      I am …..years old. (Saya berumur...tahun) atau (Umur saya adalah…)
      I am a student (Saya adalah seorang siswa)
      I like …. (Saya suka….)
      I study at… (Saya sekolah/belajar di….)

      My name is Arfa. (Nama saya adalah Arfa)
      I am from Yogyakarta. (Saya berasal dari Yogyakarta)
      I live in Tahunan. (Saya tinggal di Tahunan)
      I am six years old. (Saya berumur 6 tahun) atau (Umur saya adalah 6 tahun)
      I am a student.
      I like reading. (Saya suka membaca)
      I study at SD N Tahunan (Saya sekolah/belajar di SD N Tahunan)
      b.Cara bertanya dan menjawab.
      Cara menanyakan nama : What is your name? (Siapa namamu?)
      Cara menjawab : My name is…. (Nama saya adalah…)

      Cara menanyakan tempat tinggal :Where do you live? (Dimana kamu tinggal?)
      Cara menjawab : I live in…. ( Saya tinggal di…)

      Cara menanyakan umur : How old are you? (Berapa umurmu?)
      Cara menjawab : I am … years old. (Saya berumur…)

      4.Colours (Warna-warna)
      a.Macam-macam warna
      Yellow = kuning
      Orange = Oranye
      Blue = Biru
      Black = Hitam
      Brown = Coklat
      Grey = Abu-abu
      Green = hijau
      Red = Merah
      White = Putih
      Pink = merah muda
      Purple = Ungu

      b.Cara menanyakan warna sebuah benda
      A: What colour is it?
      B: It is red.

      A:What colour is the book?
      B:The book is white

      A: What Colour is that pen?
      B: That pen is black.

      A: What colour is this apple? (Apa warna apel ini?)
      B: This apple is green (Apel ini warnanya hijau)

      c.Cara menyatakan warna suatu benda.
      It is a pen (Ini adalah sebuah pulpen)
      The pen is blue (Pulpen ini warnanya biru)
      It is a blue pen(Ini adalah pulpen berwarna biru)



      Being on picket duty (karena tugas piket), Mr. Bambang was very disciplined. He would punish (menghukum) the students who came late or who disobeyed (melanggar) the rules (peraturan) of school.
      Priyo was a lazy student (siswa malas). He had been late for more than (lebih dari) ten times (10x) in that semester though (meskipun) he lived in a village (desa) not far from his school. It took (memakan) only five minutes on foot (jalan kaki) from his house to school.
      Yesterday he was late again. Actually (sebenarnya) he wanted to come on time (tepat waktu). He failed (gagal) to do so because his father, who worked (kerja) in Jakarta had just returned home (kembali pulang) sick (sakit).
      “Coming late again Priyo?” asked Mr. Bambang.
      “Is it because of (karena) transportation?getting up late?Motorcycle?Changing school uniforms?Taking books being left at home?or something else?asked Mr. Bambang annoyingly (dengan jengkel).
      “No, Sir,”Priyo answered. His face looked (kelihatan) pale (pucat). Priyo tried to explain why, but Mr. Bambang did not want to hear (mendengar) his excuse (alasan).
      Mr. Bambang did not say anything for a while (untuk beberapa saat). He was thingking about the punishment (hukum) he wanted to give. Then he opened priyo’s records (catatan) from month to month (dari bulan ke bulan). He also consulted (konsultasi) with other teachers.
      Finally (akhirnya), Mr. Bambang decided (memutuskan), “You’d better (lebih baik) go home (pulang) now.”
      Priyo tried again to explain the reason (alasan) why he came late again. He said the truth (sebenarnya) what really (sebenarnta) happened (terjadi) to him.
      Hearing (mendengar) the order (perintah), Priyo argued (membantah) and said immediately (dengan segera), “All right, Sir (Baik, Pak). This is my fault (salahku), but what is this saying for?(Untuk apa peribahasa ini?) “Better Late Than Never.” (Lebih baik terlambat daripada tidak sama sekali).
      Hearing that, Priyo’s friends laughed (tertawa).


      About : tentang Late : terlambat
      Again : lagi Left : meninggalkan, tertinggal
      Also : juga Lived :tinggal
      Answered: menjawab Minute : menit
      Anything: apapun Month : bulan
      Asked : bertanya Not :tidak
      Because : karena Only : hanya
      Book : buku Opened : membuka
      But : tetapi Or : atau
      Came, coming: datang Say : mengatakan, berkata
      Changing: berganti, Something: sesuatu
      Discipline: disiplin Take, taking: mengambil
      Do : melakukan Then : ketika
      Else : yang lain Thinking: berpikir, mengira
      Explain : menjelaskan To : untuk
      Face : wajah Tried, Try: mencoba
      Far : jauh Uniform : seragam
      For : untuk Very : sangat
      From : dari Want, Wanted : ingin
      Give :member Who : siapa, siapa yang, yang
      He : dia Why : kenapa
      His : milik dia Would : akan / mau
      House : rumah Yesterday: kemarin
      Just : baru saja, hanya

      Sumber : Slamet Riyanto.2007. School Funny Stories. Wonosari: Pustaka Pelajar
      Resumed by Mr. Danar

      Reading Practice

      READING PRACTICE (Latihan Membaca)

      My name is Bambang and I am a student (Nama Saya adalah Bambang dan saya adalah seorang siswa). I was born in Tahunan not far from here (Saya dilahirkan di Tahunan tidak jauh dari sini). I was born on April 24 2003 (Saya lahir pada tanggal 24 April 2003). I study in Tahunan elementary school(Aku sekolah di SD N tahunan). I am first grade now(Saya kelas satu sekarang).
      I have two sisters and one young brothers (Aku mempunyai dua kakak perempuan dan satu adik laki-laki). My father’s name is Slamet and my mothers name is Tri Jumiyati (Nama ayahku adalah Slamet dan nama ibuku adalah Tri Jumiati). I have many friends in this class (Aku mempunyai banyak teman di kelas ini).