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Sunday, September 11, 2011



Being on picket duty (karena tugas piket), Mr. Bambang was very disciplined. He would punish (menghukum) the students who came late or who disobeyed (melanggar) the rules (peraturan) of school.
Priyo was a lazy student (siswa malas). He had been late for more than (lebih dari) ten times (10x) in that semester though (meskipun) he lived in a village (desa) not far from his school. It took (memakan) only five minutes on foot (jalan kaki) from his house to school.
Yesterday he was late again. Actually (sebenarnya) he wanted to come on time (tepat waktu). He failed (gagal) to do so because his father, who worked (kerja) in Jakarta had just returned home (kembali pulang) sick (sakit).
“Coming late again Priyo?” asked Mr. Bambang.
“Is it because of (karena) transportation?getting up late?Motorcycle?Changing school uniforms?Taking books being left at home?or something else?asked Mr. Bambang annoyingly (dengan jengkel).
“No, Sir,”Priyo answered. His face looked (kelihatan) pale (pucat). Priyo tried to explain why, but Mr. Bambang did not want to hear (mendengar) his excuse (alasan).
Mr. Bambang did not say anything for a while (untuk beberapa saat). He was thingking about the punishment (hukum) he wanted to give. Then he opened priyo’s records (catatan) from month to month (dari bulan ke bulan). He also consulted (konsultasi) with other teachers.
Finally (akhirnya), Mr. Bambang decided (memutuskan), “You’d better (lebih baik) go home (pulang) now.”
Priyo tried again to explain the reason (alasan) why he came late again. He said the truth (sebenarnya) what really (sebenarnta) happened (terjadi) to him.
Hearing (mendengar) the order (perintah), Priyo argued (membantah) and said immediately (dengan segera), “All right, Sir (Baik, Pak). This is my fault (salahku), but what is this saying for?(Untuk apa peribahasa ini?) “Better Late Than Never.” (Lebih baik terlambat daripada tidak sama sekali).
Hearing that, Priyo’s friends laughed (tertawa).


About : tentang Late : terlambat
Again : lagi Left : meninggalkan, tertinggal
Also : juga Lived :tinggal
Answered: menjawab Minute : menit
Anything: apapun Month : bulan
Asked : bertanya Not :tidak
Because : karena Only : hanya
Book : buku Opened : membuka
But : tetapi Or : atau
Came, coming: datang Say : mengatakan, berkata
Changing: berganti, Something: sesuatu
Discipline: disiplin Take, taking: mengambil
Do : melakukan Then : ketika
Else : yang lain Thinking: berpikir, mengira
Explain : menjelaskan To : untuk
Face : wajah Tried, Try: mencoba
Far : jauh Uniform : seragam
For : untuk Very : sangat
From : dari Want, Wanted : ingin
Give :member Who : siapa, siapa yang, yang
He : dia Why : kenapa
His : milik dia Would : akan / mau
House : rumah Yesterday: kemarin
Just : baru saja, hanya

Sumber : Slamet Riyanto.2007. School Funny Stories. Wonosari: Pustaka Pelajar
Resumed by Mr. Danar

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